Ecolibrium was recently released on the PSN store, a Vita-exclusive entry in the console?s burgeoning repertoire of Discovery Apps. I?ll issue the disturbing caveat, then, that this renders it a quasi? educational game. Since the dump-tastic days of Mario is Missing, the very term edutainment has induced nausea and befouled underpants in gamers worldwide. Nevertheless, this ecosystem ?em up (a genuine, reputable genre, according to ACTUAL SCIENCE) isn?t the tedious ballache you may fear. There?s nary a chance that you?ll inadvertently learn anything while playing, as the presence of what appears to be a giant eyeball on legs will attest. Biology textbook calibre, this is not.
To be concise, you must colonise an ecosystem and maintain it. You will begin these travails with a tedious view of a bereft stretch of grassy wilderness (and possibly an inexorable urge to see if there?s anything decent on T.V instead. Resist, my brethren! The good times, they are a?coming, as somebody of a musical inclination once alleged) and a disconcertingly supervillain-esque cloning lab. This menu allows you to purchase and place vegetation and a motley menagerie of creatures into the environment as the whim guides you. The result will be either an arboreal, utopian paradise; or a crapstorm akin to the night Satan got drunk and neglected to shut the gate on his demented brother?s urine-stained prison.
To wit: your freakish lifeforms (Hi again, eyeball on legs!) will die.
As such, a deft equilibrium is a prerequisite for a prosperous ecosystem. To achieve this, one must attend to a myriad of factors. Herbivores are voracious for vegetation, demanding prolific quantities of plant life. Trees are satiated by minerals, which are produced by fungi. Trees replete with fruit will consume the colony?s moisture, upon which your deformed, garish mushroom crop are dependent. Carnivores, naturellement, will persist in chewing on the groins of your vegetarian beasts (my favourite of which being the great lumbering blue thing with hair akin to a grotesque caricature of The Beatles), and operate on a tier system wherein everyone bites the face off somebody lower on the food chain; as previously beheld in ACTUAL REAL LIFE.
The burgeoning prosperity of your eco-hovel is portrayed by a rudimentary percentage bar/accumulation of icon things, pertaining to vegetation, moisture and mineral levels and the ratio of hunter and hunted. Should anything be amiss is these components, your score (measured by ecopoints) will suffer; your mother may also desist sending you those cookies in the mail. Are you willing to take such a heinous risk? Are you?
Gameplay in Ecolibrium constitutes two primary modes, Free and Challenge. In Free, it is incumbent upon you to accrue the highest ecopoint-per-realtime-hour score, by sustaining the colony. Further nuances such as biodiversity (wherein a greater range of species are co-existing harmoniously) will bolster your endeavours to this end. Points total is recorded on the global leaderboards, which Free play grants you an unlimited time to ascend by maintaining your haven effectively.
Conversely, Challenge mode operates beset by a strict limitation, 24 or 48 hours (realtime, again) depending upon the task at hand. You may be proffered a herd of creatures weakened by disease, and tasked with ensuring their survival (presumably, the Ecolibrium overlords find the concept of dead cow-things festering on their lush grassy utopia near their prizewinning Begonias unpalatable), or cultivating a herbivore population that is beleaguered by predators with their hunger artificially augmented.
Ecolibrium is a remarkable proposition. It?s a slower-than-a-candle-when-the-matches-have-been-urinated-on slow burner, intentionally limited by such shenanigans as the lab?s battery requiring recharging after consecutive actions have been performed. This renders it a title to experience in brief, intermittent installments; it cannot withstand hour-long sessions.
Pertinently, too, its allegedly ?free? status is made moot by the pay-to-play format. There are game packs for purchase on PSN, which bestow tokens for beasts that are almost an impossibility to acquire in any other fashion. While success in the challenges alone will unlock an array of new species, I?ll concede that it?s problematic indeed to advance without making a purchase or two.
Nevertheless, this is certainly a refreshing venture into a new milieu for the Vita. It encompasses an admirable range of connectivity options, with online auctions, worldwide challenges and a foray into oft-neglected Near functionality. Almost entirely action-bereft, Ecolibrium retains the potential to captivate its limited niche.
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